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时间:2012-06-27 08:58 来源:PS鼠绘教程实例 作者:admin 阅读:

In the “Metal” group, create aNew Layer called “Metal Band.” Using the sketch as a guide, create the shape ofthe metal band that holds the bristles in place. I found it easier to createthe brush’s handle upright. It may help to go back to the sketch and create acopy to rotate it so that the brush is standing up.

(在“Metal”组里,新建一个图层名为“Metal Band”。以草图为参考,创建能包住刷毛的金属带。我觉得创建一个垂直的刷柄很容易。它可以幫助回到草圖,並創建一個副本,旋轉,這樣的刷子就能竖起来。)


Step 23

Create a New Layer called “Bevels” and draw in some bevels. You can usethe Pen Tool if you wish, but I just used the Brush Tool.



Step 24

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