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时间:2012-06-27 08:58 来源:PS鼠绘教程实例 作者:admin 阅读:

When you’re done, you’ll notice there are still several gaps in thebrush. To fix this, create a new layer called “Black out” below the “Bristles”group and paint in a dark gray color (#1B1919) to fill all gaps.

(当你完成了,你将会看到在刷子上仍然有一些个别的间隙。为了解决这个问题,在“Bristles”组下创建一个名为“Black out”的图层,然后用深灰色(#1B1919)填补所有的间隙。)


Step 7

Now, we can add the paint on top of the bristles. Create a New Groupcalled “Outside Paint” above the “Bristles” group and use the brush tool to addanother blob of the same color to the tip of the brush. Use the same techniquewith the Smudge Tool to push the color on to random bristles.



Step 8

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