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时间:2020-04-24 14:21 来源:英语常用短语 作者:英语短句 阅读:

104、We're square.我们扯平了。

105、What is the color of your new book? 你的新书是什么颜色的?

106、Is this a daily flight?这是每日航班吗?

107、He won an election.他在选举中获胜。

108、That might be in your favor.那可能对你有利。

109、He had his car stolen. 他的车被偷了。

110、It's been nice taking to you. 很高兴与你交谈。

111、That’s your book. 那是你的书。

112、How awful, poor guy. 太惨了,真可怜。

113、Good afternoon,Mr. Green.午安,格林先生。

114、I can't feel my hands.我手麻了。

115、What day is today?今天星期几?

116、Easy come easy go.来得容易,去得快。

117、I'll see to it.我会留意的。

118、How do you spell it? 怎么拼?

119、Yes,I am.是的,我是。

120、If only I could fly.要是我能飞就好了。

121、It's just the matter of the schedule ,that is ,if it is convenient for you right now.如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。

122、What's good here? 什么比较好?

123、That's all!就这样!

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