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时间:2012-06-27 08:58 来源:PS鼠绘教程实例 作者:admin 阅读:

Next, we want to merge thelayer effects to that layer. To do this, Right + Click on the “Paint” layer andchoose “Create Layers” (this will convert the layer styles in to their ownlayers). Now, just select all the new “Paint” layers and merge (Command/Ctrl +E).

Paint”Create Layers.PaintCommand/ Ctrl+E.)


Step 12

Next we are going to add the streak of paint. Create a New Layer called“Streak.” Use the Brush Tool to add a streak of paint using the same color ofpaint that is on the bristles.



Step 13

Next we are going to add thestreak of paint. Create a New Layer called “Streak.” Use the Brush Tool to adda streak of paint using the same color of paint that is on the bristles.



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